Senin, 06 Oktober 2014


I have goal in my life. I want to be a good teacher. I choose as teacher because my mom is my inspiration. To be a teacher is not easy because “teach is profestion that make a people to be someone important”.
As a student, I have more future plan and I wish I can to do it better. There are some way to achieve my goals. Such as; first I as student in first semester, I want to adaptation with my campus. Then in the first semester, I should get IP minimal 3, 00. I know that to get it is not easy, but with study hard and never get up and pray to God, I think it can easy to do it.  Second, I want to study hard for physic lesson as my department at campus. I know, many people assume that physic is difficult lesson. As a matter of fact that “physic is still mystery”. So I want to change that study of physic is fun. Next, I as candidate of a teachers, I must know characteristic of student, so for that I follow organization’s Desa Binaan.  From the organization I can get more experience and also more knowledge. Finally, I want past graduate and get a good score.
After graduate I want to get job. From the salary, I want to build foundation about physic the name of foundation is EUREKA. This foundation is uniq because study of physic by heart. To get all of it, I need trust and pray from our parent. Not only it, the most important I want to make my parent happy, because I’am very love my mother and my father. They are always in my heart.
I know I can’t be the perfect person but I can try to give the best for everybody around me.
I will keep smiling because with smiling I can feel better.
That’s all this is my future plan. Thanks’ for your attention.

Jumat, 26 September 2014

Entahkah ...

Kau rangkai peristiwa hidupku
dan Kau memberikan sebuah kotak yang begitu besar untukku
dan kotak kosong itu
akan aku isi dengan rangkaian peristiwa yang Kau berikan.
semuanya yah semuanya
amalanku dari aku baligh hingga nanti aku tertidur lelap di alam sana.
ku yakin semuanya terisi di dalam kotak itu.

dan pada saatnya nanti
semua isi kotak itu akan Kau hamburkan di depanku..
bunga-bunga indah nan harum yang beterbangan
duri-duri yang akan menusuk ku sendiri
entahkah kelak aku tersenyum
aku merengek menangis menyesali semuanya
aku akan menerima dengan tangan kananku
tengan kiriku yang menerima
aku akan berjalan dengan langkah kaki kananku
ataukah aku melangkah dengan kaki kiriku..

Ya Allah ini semua masih rahasiaMU
yang kau simpan..
dan pada suatu saat nanti Kau akan memperlihatkannya padaku

semua peristiwa yang kau rangkai untuk hidupku
aku harap aku dapat merangkai pula hidupku
agar aku tak lepas dariMu
agar aku adalah hambaMu
yang selalu merinduMu
dan semua amalan hidupku
adalah ridho MU